Easter is done and soon we will say goodbye April. Hopefully with April we will also and FINALLY say goodbye to the snow. April's been a busy month for me as I've travelled around the country. First was my empowering and refreshing trip alone to visit friends.
Then last Friday (during the kid's spring break), the kids and I joined my mom, sister and baby and took the long trip down to visit my recently widowed grandma and all the extended family that lives near her while our husbands stayed home and worked. We don't get down there nearly as much as I'd like because it's a two day drive to get there, but oh how I love visiting my Saskachewan family. We spent some good time with Grandma and visited my aunts and uncles' farms. We got to see (and feed) some brand new calves. I liked that. Finleigh liked that. The boys hated it. Will spent the entire time covering his nose. Oh what city boys I am raising. Then at the other farm, Nate played with their new dog and my cousin let Will and Nate drive their ATV. All. By. Themselves. Best day of Will's life. He had so much fun!
And now I'm home and realizing just how much I've neglected around here. And did I mention that this week was exhausting? Yes, I'm exhausted and had a miserable time dragging my sorry butt out of bed this morning.
What to do first? That's what I want to know. What should I do first? And what won't I get done? That's the better question.
Will starts swimming lessons this week - this is his 3rd attempt at this level. Hopefully he'll pass this time. Finn gets her speech device this week and we'll start her 1 month trial on it. Will has a dental appointment. I have meetings. It's almost midterm time with my classes... so lots of assignments due in the next 2 weeks. Some I can put off. Some I can't. And we have company coming on Sunday and our house is in a bit of a shambles. I'm a bit anal when it comes to having company and wanting things clean and neat. I'm afraid my mother-in-law just may see my dirty fridge and our kids messy rooms at this rate. (She'll still love me, I know, and doesn't care if my house is spotless, but I would really like it to be.)
And that, my friends, is what I'm looking forward to this week. So, I'll stop procrastinating now and get down to being productive.
Okay, maybe I'll procrastinate a little bit more first.
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