Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Ready, Set, Trike!

I know, she doesn't really need a helmet yet, but never too early to start with safety.  Besides it came with a matching horn.  AND she chose it herself.

Check out other Wordless Wednesdays or Special Exposure Wednesdays over at the 5 Minute for Moms group.


  1. Thats nice that she got to pick her own helmet and it looks like she likes it. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  2. And, it's purple! My daughter is 2 1/2 and she just loves purple. I need to get her helmet. She asks for one when she's out b/c her brothers have theirs.

  3. The trike looks great. My kids have all loved to choose their own helmets - but I still have to battle with them to get them to wear them!!

  4. What a great expression on her face -- she loves her bike!

  5. Purple, can never go wrong with that, :)
