Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weigh In Eve

Hello, on this lovely Sunday. The sky is blue and it's supposed to get up to -5 C today. Nice. Here's a picture out our living room window. May have to drag the kids outside today. I should be at church...but I'm not and I won't be for a while, so oh well.

I went 1 point over yesterday. I stepped on the scale this morning and am down 4.2 lbs. Guess I haven't done much damage by upping my points. It's perhaps even better for me. We'll see what my official WI is tomorrow. I'd like to spend about an hour on the treadmill today. It seemed to be really good for me last week, so if I can manage it, I will. I'm also missing my Pilate's. Haven't done them for a few days and would like to add some more challenging stuff to it.

My husband is still home sick...this is his 3rd day missed. He's just miserable. Sore, headache-y, no energy, said he almost feels like its a mild case of pneumonia. Poor guy. He doesn't seem too sick, but I know he's feeling it. He's upstairs sleeping right now, haven't seen him yet this morning.

Baby's still diarrhea-ing, but at least not 5 times a day like just once or twice. Was leaked out of her diaper when I got her up this morning. I think I'd better see about taking her into the pediatrician this week about it. She won't do anything, but at least I can say I tried.

So that's about all I have to share for today. Boring...I know.


  1. I sometimes think addin a point here and there is a good seems to be a good thin--- EXCELLENT loss by the way- see changing your focus was a good thing!

  2. way to go!!!!!

    you are doing awesome and are inspiring, as usual!
