Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dry Morning #4 and Other Stuff

Yes, it's true. My sweet, sweet Natey has woken up dry 4 mornings in a row. That on top of another accident free day (even after staying at Grandpa's for 2 hours without me) makes me think that we've got it. Not to mention how insistent he is about his own ability to use the potty.

My older son, Will, was being disciplined today by Brian and was crying in his room. It was all we could do to keep Nate from going up there to comfort him. When Brian finally went up to finish dealing with the issue with Will, Nate climbed up the ladder to Will's bunk and proceeded to kiss Will's leg. Nate hates to see people cry or be upset. He's always there trying to make it better. We can often get him to stop crying just by crying ourselves because he immediately wants you to feel better. "Don't cry!" he says as he dries his tears. He's so sweet.

While we're on the subject of sweet, I just had to add this picture taken on St. Paddy's Day. Brian was playing 'bideo games' (as Nate would say) with the kids. I sat Finleigh down beside Will and she put her hand on his leg. They sat there for quite a few minutes, engrossed in the game. Finny's really starting to develop affection for her brothers. Ahhhhh.

I haven't exercised this week. I just can't quite bring myself to do it. I hate to throw away all this work I've been doing to build my running ability. So, I'll get my but back at it eventually. Just not today. Though, I sure could use the AP's. I'm out of my flex points for the week. And Easter's still a-comin'! March has been a bit of a train-wreck, but you know...I've still lost weight. I'm still losing inches. I'm not doing it perfectly, but I'm doing it good enough. I can't keep going on like this forever...but I'll deal with that AFTER Easter.


  1. 4 mornings in a row is very excellent!

    That picture of your kids is very sweet.

  2. Yep... train wreck over here too. I love the pic of Finny and her brother. So cute!

  3. everyone one needs time to slack a bit.... its good for you- your body will respond awesome when you kick it into high gear :)
    I wanna play Bideo games, hehe

    Take Care and have a great easter

  4. hehe, i love that pic!!! sooo sweet!!

    And YAY Mr. Nate!!

  5. Sounds like Nate is a sensitive little guy, lucky you! You have such great kiddos!

    Way to go on the potty training!

    Also just wanted to say you look so great! way to go Amanda keep it up!

  6. Yeay for the potty training! I'm gonna check out that book too... thanks.
