Tuesday, May 13, 2008


We all need goals, right? I've been gaining and losing the same 3 pounds over the last month and a half and it's getting old. At this rate, I'm never gonna get into a bathing suit this summer. (ya,ya, I'm looking pretty good...but that's with my clothes ON) I was wondering what's going wrong? My birthday, Easter etc, etc? No, that's not it. It can't be, cuz I've gotten through worse. So what's different? Well, I think it might have something to do with the fact that I haven't had a mini goal since Easter. Could that be it? Well, let's try and see.

I've set 2 goals for myself this week. The first is to earn 4 AP's (activity points) everyday this week. It'll be tough, but it's totally do-able. Day 2 is done and I have 8 AP's so far this week. My second goal is scale related. I want to be down to 165 lbs by the end of school. So that's 10 lbs (give or take a couple depending on what I weigh at this moment) in 6 weeks. Also do-able, but again perhaps a little tough.

So now, I've announced my goals and I'd darn well better stick to them. And that's that.


  1. You go girl. :) Man, when you reach your goal, you are going to be a little stick of a thing! Are you sure there's 30 lbs to take off of you still? You are looking so good. :)
    And ya, the condo association is paying for the fence...it does make our place look more trashy for selling, but it's more on the nosey lady's side of the condo than ours...teehee.

  2. You beautiful wonderful friend! I just had a surprise visit from your mother-in-law who dropped off the most beautiful care package for me from you! Thank-you so very much! I love you!

  3. Okay, you've inspired me...I'm gonna go to my blog and do the same.
    p.s. YOU CAN DO IT!!

  4. It is amazing the kind of accountability you get when you announce it to the world on your blog! You can do it... I am on the same mission and mini goals are the best way to do it!
