Saturday, June 21, 2008

That went well...

Well, I sold my first cake today. It was for a baby shower for a boy with a teddy bear theme. If you can't tell, it's a mommy bear holding her baby bear in a blanket. I can't seem to get a good picture of it. I guess that must be because I'm an amateur picture taker (can't even claim the title amateur photographer) with a point and shoot camera. One of these days I'm gonna get me an SLR and the lessons to go with it.

It was fun to make for a couple reasons. First, I used chocolate icing on a vanilla yummy and I love making pretty things out of yummy stuff. Second I tried a new fondant recipe made out of marshmallows and icing sugar and I'm seriously in love with the stuff. Third, I tried a new icing technique with a borrowed tip (which I will be buying my next trip to the city) on the bear and I thought it turned out good.

I took a couple close ups because I just thought the big bear was so very cute with the details. I could snuggle it if it wouldn't cover me with chocolate. And you gotta see the baby, though you can't see it's face real well (and please ignore the cracks in the blue).

An observant person might say I'm obsessed with it...and I may just be. But you put a lot of effort into something that takes you 5 hours to make, start to finish (not including all the thought that goes into it).

When the gal who ordered the cake came to pick it up, she seemed genuinely happy about it. She said she'd be recommending me to all her friends. Which I must say is a mixed blessing. Good, because it feels good to be making money for something I can do. Both because someone's paying me for a skill and because I'm bringing money little as it may be. Bad because I just can't charge enough to really make it worth my time. She payed my $30 for it, which after costs, comes to about $4.00/hr. Rollin' in the dough. And it kept me up late, which is fine except I didn't get up this morning to exercise because 4 hours of sleep just isn't enough. Plus...the temptations of sugary food everywhere and the flex points used on 'quality control'. So, we'll see what comes of it. I may or may not get any calls. If I do, I'll be more prepared to charge a little more. If not, more time for me and that scrapbooking I keep saying I want to do.


  1. That is such a cute cake!! I love baking I can relate to quality control (the same quality control that caused me to gain about 10 pounds when I went home to the east coast!)

    I am going to do workout 1 of C25K tomorrow I will definitely let you know how it goes!! I dont know if I will be able to bring duke though, today we went for a 10 minute leisurely walk so he could burn off a bit of steam and he is just zonked now from the heat.

  2. Hmmm... cake!
    Tell you what, when you get a SLR, I'll give you lessons and you can pay me in cake? That and we can hang out.

    That's awesome! It looks really amazing, you even tried new stuff and technique! I'm impressed, I'd likely have tried to "play it safe" with what I knew.

  3. Once again I just have to say you are AMAZING... wow. Wish you could bake my future cakes for me. I love making them but they never look even like 1/4 as good as that! And plus I eat way way way too much icing.
    Anyway, its gorgeous! You are one talented lady!! :o)

  4. good job on the cake and you could/should charge more then $30.

  5. That looks great! Yes you should charge more next time.

  6. That's really pretty! I want to make a cake for Liam's birthday but don't even know where to start. I'd pay you like $50 or something for that cake you made, it's awesome!
    Hahaha, paying Doug in cake...that's a good idea.

  7. Hey-no weigh in today? (NOT THAT WEIGHT IS THE BE-ALL-END-ALL) Just thinking of you is all.
    Hope you're having a great day.
